what's wrong with me?
okay, so i had this crappy job calling BMW owners for customer satisfaction surveys, and it was lame, but i could color and do crosswords, so it was tolerable. i met some really nice peeps, and we started hanging out at my place from time to time.
so i met this girl, and i liked her alot. she wasn't a dumb chick like some of them are, and since all of my good friends are males around here, i was cool with the idea of becoming friends with this girl.
we hung out a few times; she came over to bbq, we went for beers another time. but she started calling me like 4 times a day, and always at a bad time. i have friends that i talk to 4 times a day, but not everyday, and i've known them a really long time.
she would always call and call, asking me to go do this or that with her. now, having a 2 year old i was not always avaliable, but even when i was, i always said no.
she hasn't called in a month, probably, and i really feel bad because she was a nice girl who i had things in common with, but i just didn't have the attention to spare. why i feel like i can't afford the energy it takes to become close friends with someone...i don't know, but i just feel like an asshole. it's not like my life is packed with exciting things to do or people to talk to....in fact, lately, the most stimulating conversations i've had were online, not even in real time....which sounds totally retarded to anyone who has frequent conversation in real life (and to me as well). i thought about calling her the other day, but i think it's too late, cause i have NEVER called HER anyways.....i'm a lame-o, i guess
it was probley cauz your roommate slimed all over her and her friend
yeah, i don't think feeling that you're a lame-o is the right responce to that situation. Instead, you should be happy that you don't have to deal with something who was clearly a little too eager to become good friends.
Also (and I know this maybe isn't a 'good' solution), I find I can easily avoid people by just not answering my phone.
yeah, good then.
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