Monday, March 14, 2005

Mother-in-Laws are from the pits of Hell

I really am done dwelling. I don't have that desire to analyze it anymore, and honestly, the more I think about it the more shit I remember.....and I think some memories are not worthy of remembering. Best to leave them way in the back, collecting dust. I have about four more posts to this fucking depressing crap, so I'm just going to post them all right now and get it over with. Sorry if I brought ya down...I'm really not a negative creep.

Janet had to pass a federal and state background check to be approved, and it normally takes a few weeks to get the federal one done but her niece owned a background check business so it took only a week. We were very excited for Janet to come from Florida because we felt like at least we would be able to have some kind of normalcy in the visits and maybe it would just be easier all the way around. I had called Janet the night that Michael flipped out, after the police left, and told her the whole story. She urged me to leave him, and that was not a comforting thought. His own mother was saying that? She was convinced from the beginning that Michael had hurt Hazel, and the more I thought about it I wondered if she might just not give Hazel back. I told Michael what I was thinking and he actually asked her what her intentions were, which took me by surprise. She said she had no desire to steal our baby and that put me at ease for a while. But the moment she got actual control of Hazel, her attitude changed.

DHS had said that they would leave the visitation schedule up to Janet. She was staying with a friend with Hazel, and when we heard that we were overjoyed at the thought of being in a house with her instead of the nasty visitation room at the state office, and we thought that Janet would see the need for Hazel to spend as much time as allowed with her parents. That is not how it happened, though.

Janet had a serious power trip. She was just like one of them. She made the schedule to match DHS’s schedule almost exactly, only giving us one more hour a week than we already had. I would come over on my scheduled day early in the morning so as to bathe her and feed her myself, and Janet would stand over me, criticizing the way I washed her, or how big of a bite I gave her. I was steaming hot. This woman (who may be Michael’s mom, but is still a complete stranger to me) has had Hazel for two days and feels like she has the right to criticize how I rock her to sleep? I desperately wanted just to hold her, and rock her to sleep like I always had, but Janet wouldn’t have it. “She needs to learn how to go to sleep by herself” she would say. I thought she was being so cruel. I had three hours a week to spend with my infant daughter, and she wouldn’t let me rock her to sleep. I was so afraid that Hazel would forget me. She was only six months old. She did forget her song. I used to sing ’LaLaLa Means I Love You’ and she would laugh and stretch out her neck, but she didn’t do that anymore. I couldn’t understand how Janet could be so mean. But that wasn’t even the beginning.


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