Friday, July 16, 2004


i think i will not have any peppermint coffee this morning. it just doesn't even appeal. i started a small fire in my toaster when i lit my ciggarette on it this morning. i forgot to pop it up when i was done and a big chunk of carmelized onion off of a previously roasted bagel caught fire. i started to smell some thing good in the air...i came back in and it was ablaze. my 2 year old daughter came in and pointed at it; 'hot' she says. well, yeah, that 's hot. now i need a new toaster.
i don't know what it is , but i go thru alot of toasters. i have only actually been in a position to own my own toaster for about 8 years now, but if i have it straight, i must have gone thru at least 4, maybe 5 toasters. a couple of them did just spontaneously quit working, but i lost two of them to cat piss. yes, it is very foul, i know. there's nothing like the smell of roasted cat piss in the morning. it will clear out just about anyone from just about anywhere. my friends cat was living with me while he tried to get his shit together and he(the cat, named siggabob-boo) started this pissing war with with my cat and two of my toasters was the cost of that conflict. at this time i still had 8(eight) cats, yes, i know that's a ridiculous quantity of kitties, but the just kept coming???? anyhow, i now am down to one kittie cause when i moved here to the high desert from the valley they all got eaten by various desert creatures. the only one left is the one i don't like. his name is shitty kitty. he got that name because right around the time he showed up, there were litte kittie turds all over. but we have come to find out since then that he was framed- he does not need a litterbox even now and does all of his business out of doors. but the reason i can't stand himis because he never shuts up. i do not get a cat so that it can bitch and howl at me constantly but apparently that was his understanding of the deal...


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