Wednesday, July 28, 2004
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
25 more
26) i hate long toenails
27) i like long fingernails
28) i prefer water to any other beverage
29) i am loud
30) i drive 70 mph everywhere i go
31) i can't fall asleep without a radio or t.v. on
32) i have a tattoo on my belly of a frog on a raspberry
33) i always refer to my husband as honey and now so does everyone else
34) the only photo of myself that i like is from when i was pregnant
35) perfect teeth bother me
36) i am a dental assistant
37) i often put myself out to help others and then find myself all alone when i need help
38) i am bad with money
40) i should stay out of casinos, but i don't
41) i need a larger vocabulary
42) i need a good book to read
43) the one book i have re- read the most throughout my life: 'the eyes of the dragon' by stephen king
44) i prefer a manual transmission
45) my favorite movie: 'the princess bride'
46) my other favorite: 'goodfellas'
47) my all time favorite album: 'paul simon- graceland'
48) my other all time favorite:'alice in chains-unplugged'
49) in college i got a 'c' in english and an 'a' in spanish
50) i can't remember enough spanish to order a meal
Monday, July 26, 2004
what's wrong with me?
okay, so i had this crappy job calling BMW owners for customer satisfaction surveys, and it was lame, but i could color and do crosswords, so it was tolerable. i met some really nice peeps, and we started hanging out at my place from time to time.
so i met this girl, and i liked her alot. she wasn't a dumb chick like some of them are, and since all of my good friends are males around here, i was cool with the idea of becoming friends with this girl.
we hung out a few times; she came over to bbq, we went for beers another time. but she started calling me like 4 times a day, and always at a bad time. i have friends that i talk to 4 times a day, but not everyday, and i've known them a really long time.
she would always call and call, asking me to go do this or that with her. now, having a 2 year old i was not always avaliable, but even when i was, i always said no.
she hasn't called in a month, probably, and i really feel bad because she was a nice girl who i had things in common with, but i just didn't have the attention to spare. why i feel like i can't afford the energy it takes to become close friends with someone...i don't know, but i just feel like an asshole. it's not like my life is packed with exciting things to do or people to talk fact, lately, the most stimulating conversations i've had were online, not even in real time....which sounds totally retarded to anyone who has frequent conversation in real life (and to me as well). i thought about calling her the other day, but i think it's too late, cause i have NEVER called HER anyways.....i'm a lame-o, i guess
100 things
damnit! i am a somewhat slow typist; i finished the 1st 25 the other night and blogger wouldn't blog so i lost it all. which brings me to #1....
1) i usually learn the hard way
2) i crave the interesting
3) i don't like olives or fish
4) i prefer ranch to ketchup
5) i'd like to emigrate to canada cause they serve gravy with fries
6) i like to make up words
7) like fantabulistic and
8) herpagohnasyphyllaids
9) i like to smoke, and i do
10) i don't drink often
11) i am an especially obnoxious drunk person
12) i can't hold my liquor
13) must travel to: pompeii, italy
14) must avoid at all costs: Texas
15) my husband is prettier than me :)
16) i love to take photos
17) i need a digital camera
18) i've been arrested once, when i was 16
19) i can't run very fast :P
20) the only jewelry i care for is rings...on toes, in ears, on fingers
21) i shave my legs, but not my armpits
22) i shaved my head last summer
23) i think i have nerve damage from rubbing my head too much
24) i have booger paranoia (bat in the cave?)
25) the softest part on my body is my upper, inner arm ( feel yours)
Saturday, July 24, 2004
Friday, July 23, 2004
today is HOT. it is 101 degrees out. the breeze is blowing like a heater into my house. hazel got her first big girl panties yesterday, but she keeps peeing in them. she does fine in just clothes with no diaper, but for some reason, she still hasn't gotten the point. needless to say, i've had a pissy morning:P
i have real coffee again, and i am very thankful for it as i will never be drinking peppermint coffee again for the rest of my life. this post is coming out to be very uninteresting and dull, so i will quit while i'm ahead(i really am behind, i think, but 'quit while i'm behind' doesn't sound too good and i'm not feeling much more creative than that).
Thursday, July 22, 2004
birth control....
ahhh, birth control. my favorite. Hazel turned 2 a couple weeks ago and the time just flies. it's very odd when you sit down and analyze your own childhood in relation to the fact that a whole new childhood is unfolding before you. there are alot of experiences that you want to sheild your kids from, but you can't. and i think back to alot of the things my mom never knew and realize that it all came out pretty well, and i'm not sure if it was dumb luck that nothing terrible ever happened to me considering some of the situations i put myself in, or if i was really as smart as i thought.
and that brings me back to birth control. it is the biggest challenge that anyone could face to bring up an intelligent, empathetic, responsible person. you can't control every aspect of their experience, so you resign yourself to that fact, but it's giving them the right tools that you must worry about.
the thought of having any more children in this world just doesn't appeal to me. especially considering that there are, in my opinion, just as many stupid and cruel people in the world, if not more, as good people.
a good example was this movie, 'the butterfly effect' that we viewed last weekend. it was very good and original, i thought, but the premise was that childhood experience leads ultimately to what you become in your adult life, and in the movie, one character had the ability to go back in time, already knowing the outcome of events that had already taken place, and change them. meaning well, he tries to repair the damaged lives of his friends, only to make things worse. which brings me to my point...meaning well is one thing, but you never know the true outcome until it's too late.
there are gaggles of stupid, cruel people out there procreating, not thinking once about cause and effect, raising children who will grow to be fucked up individuals who will in turn spawn more fucked up individuals who will cause pain and destruction in the lives of the ones i love.
and the really terrible part is, the same people who i would say are raising their babies all wrong would likely say the same about me. the world is a really fucked up and scary place, after you add people to the equation. i adore my daughter.
My Solemn Oath To The World:
i promise that i shall not bear any more children onto this planet, and i apologize in advance if hazel alice june grows to be a nuclear scientist or a theologist or any other evil practice.
as for me, i say IUD!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
for you....
check out this blog, there's good photos here and since i did put some of them here...i could link you, niknox
Monday, July 19, 2004
Saturday, July 17, 2004
tahw eht lleh?
so this will confuse you.
google, if spelled backwards brings you to the backwards google search engine. okaaaaaay. and if you type in your search backwards, all of your results will come in .....
Friday, July 16, 2004
who is jack schitt?
Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says, “You
don’t know Jack Schitt!” Read on and you’ll be able to handle the situation intelligently.
Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, a partner of Kneeddeep & Schitt, Inc..
Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, and the deeply religious couple begat 6 children: Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt and the twins, Deap Schitt and Dip Schiitt
Against her parents’ wishes, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout.
After 15 years of marriage, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married a Mr. Sherlock, and out of devotion to her children, decided to hyphenate her last name and became Noe Schitt-Sherlock.
Dip Schitt married a woman named Loda Dung, who became Loda Schitt. The couple produced a nervous son, Chicken Schitt.
Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, inseparable throughout childhood, subsequently married the Happens brothers. The local newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding, which was quite an event. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Burd and Hoarse.
Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He returned from his travels with his Italian bride, Piza Schitt.
So now if someone says “You don’t know Jack Schitt”, you can beg to differ. You not only know Jack Schitt but everyone on the Schitt list!
this guy can write...
i think about my blog all the time lately. i have seen ALOT of really good ones belonging to talented people, this is one of my favorites, this guy can write. i find myself checking throughout the day to see if there's something's like a book that you can't wait to return to. read it, then come back and post your agreement.
i think i will not have any peppermint coffee this morning. it just doesn't even appeal. i started a small fire in my toaster when i lit my ciggarette on it this morning. i forgot to pop it up when i was done and a big chunk of carmelized onion off of a previously roasted bagel caught fire. i started to smell some thing good in the air...i came back in and it was ablaze. my 2 year old daughter came in and pointed at it; 'hot' she says. well, yeah, that 's hot. now i need a new toaster.
i don't know what it is , but i go thru alot of toasters. i have only actually been in a position to own my own toaster for about 8 years now, but if i have it straight, i must have gone thru at least 4, maybe 5 toasters. a couple of them did just spontaneously quit working, but i lost two of them to cat piss. yes, it is very foul, i know. there's nothing like the smell of roasted cat piss in the morning. it will clear out just about anyone from just about anywhere. my friends cat was living with me while he tried to get his shit together and he(the cat, named siggabob-boo) started this pissing war with with my cat and two of my toasters was the cost of that conflict. at this time i still had 8(eight) cats, yes, i know that's a ridiculous quantity of kitties, but the just kept coming???? anyhow, i now am down to one kittie cause when i moved here to the high desert from the valley they all got eaten by various desert creatures. the only one left is the one i don't like. his name is shitty kitty. he got that name because right around the time he showed up, there were litte kittie turds all over. but we have come to find out since then that he was framed- he does not need a litterbox even now and does all of his business out of doors. but the reason i can't stand himis because he never shuts up. i do not get a cat so that it can bitch and howl at me constantly but apparently that was his understanding of the deal...
Thursday, July 15, 2004
turn left
this is so much fun! this is a website concerning liberal politics, but the fun part is that you cancreat your own off the wall conspiracy theory. check it out
i love pop-up blocker!
I love my new pop-up blocker from msn. i havn't had a pop-up invade my space and time since i d/l it.
curious about astronomy?
this is my new favorite site. it's full of all kinds of good questions like is there sound in space and other simple questions with delightfully complicated answers. you can even post your own questions and have them answered by an astronomer...check it out!
The Mopping of the Floor
I do have to say that Swiffer is probably the single most ingenious invention of our time. It's time to mop the floor and I actually get a little giddy cause I get to play with my swiffer. It's the housewife's best friend, I tell you. And when I am finished, i get to rip off the oversized maxi pad full of dirt and other even grosser stuff, view it, wrinkle my face in disgust, and throw it in the trash. You see, to me, seeing the dirt on the pad is like my reward, and this is a kind of gratification that you never got with your old-fashioned mop and bucket. You would mop and wring, mop and wring, then mop and wring again, try not to throw your back out lifting the bucket to dump it, and then stand there and puzzle as you dump the yuck muck down the sink, 'how on god's green earth could this floor possibly be any cleaner that when i started now that i have diluted the dirt with pine-sol and spread it all over my floor?' Praise be to swiffer and any swiffer reps out there who want to send me some free pads(those bastards made them so spendy cause they KNEW we'd be junked out on them).
peppermint coffee
I have been drinking peppermint coffee for a week now. Someone gave it to us and I know why they did, now. I am about to freak out. I enjoy foofie, flavored coffees once in a while, but come on...peppermint is a whole nother deal. After i brushed my teeth this morning, instead of the coffee washing the taste of toothpaste out of my mouth, the peppermint coffee just intensified the refreshing flavor, which you know, if i wanted my mouth to taste refreshing, i would quit smoking (hahaha). And being how today is rent day, you can bet that i don't have a dimeto go getanyother variety. I think that peppermint coffee should be avaliable ONLY during the holiday season so as not to ruin that silly little bit of excitement i would have had had i been drinking peppermint coffee in the snow, at Christmastime. And that's all i have to say about that....:P
Wednesday, July 14, 2004

My Boyfriend Has Run a horny devil after some blonde tart. If you have any information about this woman or my now ex-boyfriend Ingo Lenz, 32, shower curtain salesman, please write to me under the heading: GET_YOUR_ASS_BACK_HOME_LOVERBOY.............P.S. Ingo, if you read this, just to let you know that all of your garbage is out with the garbage and they come on Thursday.

Killer photos of all kinds
This place is full of science related pics...I found some neat ones that sparked my interest...check it out.